Care And Maintenance of Removable Veneers - removable-veneers

Removable veneers are an innovative device to enhance your smile and achieve the look you always longed for. Over the years, you might have faced multiple hurdles to your beautiful smile, such as time constraints, budget limitations, or simply the fear of visiting a dentist. But with removable veneers, you can have them custom made to perfectly fit over your natural teeth without even visiting a dentist. However, whether you use these veneers just for a special occasion or for daily use, you need to take care of them to maintain them and help them last longer. Here are a few useful tips for care and maintenance of removable veneers.


Regular Cleaning

Every time you remove your veneers, do not forget to clean them thoroughly. It’s vital to clean your natural teeth as well. This will minimize your risk of tooth decay, gingivitis, or periodontal disease. To clean your veneers, brush them with a toothbrush and make them free of germs and debris.

Regular cleaning is required because food, debris, and germs may get trapped in between your veneers and your natural teeth and gums. This increases the risk of dental infection or tooth decay. Continue with your dental hygiene and routine every morning before re-inserting the veneers into your mouth.

Avoid Foods and Beverages that Leave Stains

Although you may eat and drink with your veneers on, you must avoid foods and beverages that are known for leaving stains. Such items include everything from cigarettes and red wine to coffee and caffeinated drinks. While the veneers have high resistance to stains, it's best to avoid these kinds of foods and follow a strict cleaning routine to prevent stains from setting in.

Avoid Sticky and Chewy Foods

You don’t want foods to stick to your dental veneers, do you? Although these veneers are durable and strong, they may break or chip with excessive force. Avoid sticky foods like gum and chocolate, and do not chew on non-food items like pencils, nails, or plastic – that would be imprudent.

Handle Veneers Delicately

When removing or re-inserting the veneers, follow instructions to do it the right way. Remove the veneers using both your hands. You have to rock them gently from one side to the other and remove them with care. Do not twist the veneers, as doing this may change their shape and ruin your smile.

Removable dental veneers are made using 3D printing technology with advanced materials. They come with a warranty and are designed to last long. However, with proper care and maintenance, you may extend the life of your removable veneers and flaunt your beautiful smile for a long time.